Preferred pricing icon

Preferred Pricing

  • Save 3% instantly* on thousands of business essentials with better pricing and deeper discounts
  • Get an additional 4%** back with the Staples Business Account. Learn more
  • Your team of authorized users also get access to Preferred Pricing when they shop
  • Get Preferred pricing online or in-store at any Staples location
  • Receive deeper savings when you upgrade to the Select Program

Deals and discounts

Deals and discounts

  • Save on thousands of business essentials with better pricing and deeper discounts
  • Access to exclusive deals, promotions, and coupons for extra savings
  • Stay on top of the best deals with access to our exclusive Deals Centre
  • Dedicated product and shopping guides so your business can stay in the know
  • Explore key guides like Work From Anywhere and Clean, Safe & Well Collections

Buy in Bulk

Buy in Bulk

  • Get more product and savings with bulk discounts
  • Buy More & Save More with items you use the most
  • Exclusive Bulk Buy Centre updated daily with new deals

Keep your business moving with Preferred Business Saving Benefits

We carry a wide selection of products that save your business time and money with Preferred pricing. Staples has the total solution for any work environment. From stocking up the office with ink & toner, to setting up workforces remotely with technology, we have you covered and much more.

Terms & Conditions

*on thousands of products

**The Staples Bonus Voucher (the “Voucher”) is equal to 4% of the total non-financed credit purchases at participating Staples made on your Staples Business Account less returns, refunds, and adjustments measured on a calendar quarter basis, excluding postage, prepaid cards and gift cards. Voucher will be issued within 65 days following the end of the applicable quarter. Valid email address required.  Voucher may only be redeemed at the time of purchase at participating Staples locations and online at within 90 days of the date of issue for new product purchases on your Staples Business Account, and cannot be used towards payment of your Staples Business Account or any other Staples credit program.  No cash value. Only one Voucher per customer per calendar quarter. Vouchers are non-transferable. This program may be modified, suspended or cancelled at any time without notice and without restriction or penalty. You agree to release and hold Flexiti Financial Inc., Staples, and their respective affiliates and each of their respective officers, directors, agents and employees, successors, and assigns, harmless against any loss, damage, liability, legal fees, consequential and punitive damages arising out of or in any way connected with this program.  Flexiti, FlexitiCard, and the Flexiti design are trademarks of Flexiti Financial Inc.