Get Crafty: Tissue Box Shark
By Horizon Group
April 29, 2020
Teachers & Education
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Turn a boring old tissue box into a fish gobbling shark with this fun recycling project!
What You Need:
· Peel and stick acrylic jewels
· Paint brushes
· Black pipe cleaners
· Acrylic paint
· Craft glue
· Scissors
· Pencil
· Empty tissue box
Step 1

Gather your supplies.
Step 2

Paint the empty tissue box black and set it aside to let it dry.
Step 3

Click here to download and print the two-page shark printable. Follow the guidelines to cut out all the pieces.
Step 4

Trace the shark template pieces from page one onto black foam and cut out the shapes. Make sure you have all the pieces you need – 1 large tail, 2 triangular fins and 2 quarter-circle pieces.
Step 5

Glue the tail piece to the back left corner of the tissue box.
Step 6

Turn the tissue box over. The tail should stick up from the back right of the box.
Step 7
Place the 2 quarter-circles on your work surface and spread glue on one piece.
Step 8

Glue the pieces together to create a sturdy fin for the top of the shark.
Step 9

Glue the fin to the top of the tissue box, with the curved part facing the front of the box.
Step 10

To make the side fins for the shark, take one of the triangular fin pieces and fold the bottom down. Crease well. Repeat with the other fin.
Step 11

Glue the folded flap to the side of the tissue box, repeat on the other side of the box.
Step 12

Cut 2 rows of teeth out of white foam.
Step 13

Glue the teeth onto the front of the box.
Step 14

Twist a black pipe cleaner between your fingers to create a flat coil. Repeat with a second black pipe cleaner so you have 2 coils for the eyes.
Step 15

Glue a large Wiggly Eye on each of the 2 coils then glue to the front of the box.
Step 16

To make the fish, trace your fish template pieces (from step 3) on different sheets of colored foam and cut out.
Step 17

Decorate your fish using a variety of materials, including glitter glue and adhesive jewels
Step 18

Keep your fish and shark together. Little kids can feed the fish to the sh