7 Things Teachers Should Do on Summer Break
By Staples Canada
July 12, 2022
Teachers & Education
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Being an educator means throwing yourself into your work mentally, physically and emotionally every single day. After all, teaching isn’t just a job—it’s a vocation. After another busy school year, it’s time to take a well-deserved break and enjoy summer. Here are seven things every teacher should put on their to-do list for summer break.
Rest is always important but as we say goodbye to a third year of pandemic teaching, it’s more critical than ever. Try to rest your body and your mind to truly recover from the stress you navigate on a daily basis. This may involve having some downtime at home on a regular basis, prioritizing self-care or simply getting more sleep, which is associated with improved concentration, better productivity, a stronger immune system, a lower risk of depression and other health benefits.
As you look back on the most recent school year, it may be beneficial to reflect on the highs and lows you experienced. What were your stresses and successes, and what can you learn from them? Not only will this help you process any significant learnings or events, but it can also help you decide how to move forward in a positive, productive manner. Try journaling your thoughts or talking things out with another educator in your social circle—they may help you work out your thoughts and feelings.
Have some fun
Once you’ve had a chance to rest and reflect, give yourself the opportunity to have some fun. This may involve a night out with friends, a road trip or weekend away with your significant other, going to a concert or joining a recreational sports league for the summer. Figure out what brings you joy and go for it—then repeat as needed. You have two whole months to focus on experiencing joy—make the most of it.
Move your body
Teaching can mean a lot of hours spent sitting at a desk—and even if you move around the school throughout the day, it’s easy to feel cooped up in one building. Spend your summer enjoying whatever physical activities you enjoy: working out at your local gym, hiking, or going on walks, swimming, taking yoga classes or joining a recreational sports team. It feels good to move your body and having consistent physical activity can improve your mood, help you relax and let you sleep better.
Give back
Volunteer work is always a good idea, but it’s a lot easier in the summer months when you’ve got more free time to work with. Consider volunteering at a food bank, with a senior’s organization, for a community organization that has special meaning or with a local youth team or organization. If you have kids of your own, get them involved as well. Or, look into tutoring opportunities for kids in need—it’s a great way to put your skills to use while giving back!
Plan ahead
Vacation mode is great, but another school year will be here in no time—so, prepare early and minimize that September stress. This may involve reviewing and updating lesson plans, organizing paperwork, planning classroom decor, finding new resources, creating a classroom wishlist and making a plan to connect with peers, students and parents in the fall. If you plan on using social media channels to connect with families throughout the school year, set them up now so you have less work to manage later. We don’t want you to work on vacation, but it doesn’t hurt to get organized early on so you can clear your mind and enjoy the rest of your summer.
Get shopping
Once you have a list of what you need for the upcoming school year, stop by Staples to get started on your back-to-school shopping. Staples offers special deals to educators through our Teacher Membership Program as well as great sales throughout the year. Stock up on everything from classroom decor and resources to art supplies, games, tech and more. The better prepared you are, the more smoothly your transition back to the classroom will go. Here’s to another great school year ahead—but first, have a great summer.