6 Business-Minded Books to Read
By Staples Canada
April 22, 2020
Small Business & Entrepreneurship
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There are times as a business owner when you don’t want to do anything. When you want to throw on some mindless television, open a bag of chips, and step away from the stress.
Sometimes, you’re even good at doing just that—a little too good.
For many entrepreneurs, however, it’s hard to shut our brains off. Even when we try to step away from our computers and decompress, we find our minds problem-solving in the background.
In these moments, rather than stay inside your own head, consider seeking inspiration elsewhere. Here are six business-minded books to read that’ll help you take a break from the norm while also sparking new ideas.
1. The E Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It
This classic from Michael E. Gerber offers insights into why it’s not always in your benefit to build a business around pre-conceived assumptions, expectations, and technical expertise. He explains why, in his belief, entrepreneurs often make poor businesspeople—and what to do about it.
Featured Quote:
“Contrary to popular belief, my experience has shown me that the people who are exceptionally good in business aren’t so because of what they know but because of their insatiable need to know more.”
2. Guerilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business
First published in 1973, this book from Jay Levinson revolutionized the way small businesses drove sales. Now, in its 4th edition, it offers modern, tangible tactics business owners can adopt in cultivating repeat and referral-based sales, using new technologies, marketing online, telecommuting, and more.
Featured Quote:
“Consistency breeds familiarity, familiarity breeds confidence, and confidence breeds sales.”
3. The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact
Successful businesses recognize the power of experience in building connection and loyalty with their customers. Chip and Dan Heath’s book speak to not only how to acknowledge defining positive moments, but how to create more of them in both everyday life and business.
Featured Quote:
“There’s nine times more to gain by elevating positive customers than by eliminating negative ones.”
4. Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World
Known for his other best-seller, The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferris offers a roundup of tools and tactics from 130+ of the world’s top performers. With advice from entrepreneurs to artists, this is a great resource for quick pick-me-ups and outside perspectives.
Featured Quote:
“Never let a good crisis go to waste. It’s the universe challenging you to learn something new and rise to the next level of your potential.”
5. Duct Tape Marketing: The World’s Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide
When marketing your small business, there’s nothing wrong with going back to basics. John Jantsch talks about those and more with principles to follow as you build and execute an effective marketing plan.
Featured Quote:
“Do you really have a business without being able to reach and motivate a customer?