6 Ways to Keep Productivity Levels Up During the Summer

By the small business content developers at bizlaunch.com

It’s easy to get into a work slump during the summer, what with that gorgeous summer sun beckoning you outside. If you work from home and your kids are there too, that can make staying productive even more of a challenge. But don’t let the siren song of summer keep you from continuing full speed ahead in your small business. Here are six ways you can ensure you’re as productive as you are the rest of the year...if not more so.

  1.  Set Goals for the Summer

If business is slow this time of year, it’s tempting to knock off work early to catch up on episodes of your favourite TV series, but that won’t do your business any good. Instead, make the most of the time you have by establishing goals you want to achieve by the summer’s end. These might be:

  • To sort through all your old files and clean out what you don’t need

  • To increase sales by 20%

  • To finally hire and train an assistant

Whatever your summer goals, set up action items to ensure you actually move toward accomplishing them in the remaining weeks of summer.

  1. Find the Time Management Tool That Works Best for You

Let’s face it: putting Post-it® Notes on your computer screen as a reminder to do something is probably not the best strategy. Some people work well using online calendars like Google Calendar, where they can get an audible reminder of meetings and tasks when they come up. Another benefit of an online calendar is that you can sync it among all your devices, from desktop to mobile phone.

Others benefit from using a paper day planner that they can write appointments in. Use whatever works best for you. If you try to force a time management tool that doesn’t resonate with you, it won’t boost your productivity.

  1. Check in With Your Staff Regularly

You likely have several employees taking vacation right now, which can make it challenging to schedule team meetings. Work with what you’ve got and keep up with your regular staff meetings. Then when those who have been on vacation return, give them the download on what they missed.

  1. Get Out of the Office

This might seem counterintuitive if you want to get work done, but taking a break midday and stretching your legs can actually help you solve problems and focus on what needs doing. A short walk around the block can help you shake off those afternoon sleepies, and you will return to your office ready to tackle the rest of the day.

  1. Sign off Social Media

If you’re like many people, you easily get distracted from your day’s tasks when you log onto Facebook or other social media accounts. You may tell yourself you will only spend a few minutes there, but before you know it, you’re immersed in funny pet videos, and your workload isn’t taking care of itself.

Deliberately schedule time to get onto social media, and avoid it like the plague the rest of your day. If you manage your business’ social media accounts, resist the urge to check your personal profiles while you’re there.

With a little effort, you can stay efficient this summer, and, come fall, be ready to tackle whatever’s next!

By Andrew Patricio

August 05, 2015
