5 Tips To Stick With Your New Years Resolutions

New Years is a time of new beginnings, when you get to start over with a fresh set of weeks and days, planning for a better future. That’s why so many people take this opportunity to make resolutions based on the things they want to accomplish over the course of the next year. Unfortunately many of us end up falling short of those personal aspirations, forgetting or forgoing the necessary steps to achieve those lofty goals we set for ourselves. However there are a few tricks that you can use to try and stay the course and stick with your New Years resolutions.

1. Set Reasonable Goals

One of the worst mistakes you can make when setting a New Years resolution for yourself is to be too ambitious. With an entire year ahead of you to accomplish your goals anything might seem possible. However you’re only human, and you can’t become a completely new person overnight. Instead work with what you have. That will keep you from feeling so overwhelmed that you just decide to give up the entire process altogether.

Another way to do this is to break up your resolution into different periods of time. By setting smaller goals throughout the year, you can give yourself something to work towards that can actually be accomplished, rather than setting one overarching goal that has to be accomplished through the course of the entire year.

2. Get the Right Tools

If you want to do a job right then you need the proper equipment. Old, worn out accessories may make you feel second hand, and can sap your motivation for success. Instead go shopping and buy new, sleek, state of the art pieces that make you feel good about your goals. If you plan to work out then new running shoes or athletic attire can make the process seem more exciting. If your resolution involves work, then a new briefcase or suit can make you feel like a professional who is worthy of achieving their aspirations.

3. Set Reminders

An easy trick you can use to reinforce your resolutions is to set up periodic reminders. If you have a smart phone then you can program alerts that will pop up with inspirational messages at random times. If you prefer an old school paper calendar then go through it at the beginning of the year and randomly write out messages to yourself. This will help to carry the enthusiasm that you feel on New Years Eve through to the next twelve months.

4. Work With Others

One of the best ways to stick to a goal is to make yourself accountable to others. This can be done by enlisting people with similar resolutions, and working with them throughout the year. You can start a running club with someone who wants to exercise more, or create a book group for people looking to be more literary. This will make you accountable to other people, which means you will be less likely to quit.

5. Don’t Give In To Failure

Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s important to not give up. Just because you don’t meet your goals for a few months, doesn’t mean that you should scrap your resolutions altogether. You always have the right to go back and revise your goals, or to pick them back up mid year.

Picture by Nitin Desai

By Shondell Varcianna

January 02, 2015