5 Ways to Show Your Employees You Care

We may not have reached the season of giving just yet, but there’s no time like the present to show your employees how much you appreciate them. There are many ways to show staff how much you care, but here a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing.


1. Take Them to Dinner.

Sharing a meal with an employee you want to single out for praise not only shows your appreciation, but it also gives you the opportunity to get to know the person a little better. You’re likely busy during the workday and might not have had the chance to get to know your staff on a personal level—going out after work provides you that opportunity. Even a quick coffee break gives you the chance to connect outside of the usual business discussions.


2. Give Praise Vocally.

Your employees work hard to make your company a success, and for that they deserve appreciation. Thank a staff member for a job well done, and do it in front of others if possible. Make a point of singling out employees when they go above and beyond. In doing so, you’ll make your entire staff want to try harder. It’s also a great idea to be specific in your praise so your staff knows exactly what gets your attention.


3. Share a Book.

Believe it or not, books can be a very intimate gift. Select books you think would be a good fit for an employee and pass it along with a note outlining why the book made you think of them.


4. Listen.

Sometimes listening is the best way to show your appreciation. You may be thinking, “I listen to my staff and clients all the time”, but consider whether that’s actually true. When is the last time you sat down and really listened to what they wanted without any distractions? Make an effort to spend time with those around you and listen to what they have to say. Whether it’s about their kid’s baseball tournament or gripes about your product or service, commit yourself to hearing them out—then ask yourself how you might be able to help.


5. Invest in Your Office.

Perhaps rather than spending money on each of your employees,  you’d better show your appreciation by investing in new computers or office equipment for your staff. If it’s been a while since your last technology update, it may be time to bite the bullet. Your staff will be thrilled not to have to fight against that faulty copier or printer anymore, and they’ll know you did it out of appreciation. Take a survey of what needs updating in the office and show that you’re paying attention by replacing it when the budget allows.


Bonus: Keep it going!

It’s important to make the effort to show that you care year-round. Celebrate their birthdays. Ask them how they’re doing. Show that as the owner of your company, you make their wellbeing your concern.


By Andrew Patricio

October 29, 2014
