STAPLES BizTIPs: The softer side of sales

By Small Business Expert Roger Pierce, BizLaunch

The word “sales” gets a bad rap because it conjures up images of slick hustlers out to grab your cash. While selling is your most important role as a new entrepreneur, you don’t have to be pushy about it. Try cultivating sales prospects with these “softer” selling techniques: 

  • Listen for business opportunities. No one likes a constant “seller”, like those loudmouths who annoy people at parties by pushing their wares. Instead, simply use your excellent listening skills to identity potential business opportunities within everyday conversations. Be sure to follow up.

  • Plant sales seeds. Remember the expression, “people hate to be sold but love to buy” when cultivating prospects. Plant a subtle suggestion by saying, “I’d be happy to help you with that when you’re ready. Feel free to call me anytime.”

  • Carry business cards. Since you never know when you’re going to meet someone who’s interested in your business, you should carry cards wherever you go. Make your business cards part of your everyday wardrobe.

  • Stay in touch. Timing can be everything in business, so it’s important to keep yours top-of-mind with potential clients. Keep in touch with your prospects and contacts with a casual call or email even when there’s no business on the table.

You can learn more about this and other how-to topics in a free STAPLES BizLaunch Webinar. To find one near you, please visit today.


Roger PierceROGER PIERCE is passionate about helping entrepreneurs achieve success. Co-founder of Canada’s largest small business training company,, he’s launched eleven small businesses of his own and personally experienced what he calls “the good, the bad and the ugly” sides of entrepreneurship.

BizLaunch advises thousands of Canadian startups through its popular how-to seminars and webinars delivered with partners such as STAPLES.

By Adam

November 05, 2010