STAPLES BizTIPs: How to build a great reputation

By Small Business Expert Roger Pierce, BizLaunch 

The essence of brand and image is based on your product or company reputation. People are adverse to risk, so help them to buy from your small business by following these suggestions: 

  • Deliver a quality product or service. Go that extra mile with customers to “wow” them with your offering. Invest in quality materials or allow sufficient time to serve your clients. Pay attention to details because that’s often what people will notice about your company.

  • Do what you say you’re going to do. Lip service only goes so far, and actions speak louder than words. Be sure to keep your promises to develop the trust of your customers. Remember the expression, “under promise and over deliver” to truly delight your buyers.

  • Fix problems immediately. A mistake only becomes a problem when it is ignored. Remember that an existing customer is worth more to your small business than a new customer, so be sure to address any dissatisfaction right away. Replace a faulty product, correct a wrong or do something to “surprise and delight” a disgruntled client.

  • Never bad mouth the competition. It’s tempting to say rotten things about the other guy, but it can reflect poorly on your small business. It’s better to talk about what your competition does well but mention what you do better. What goes around also comes around.


ROGER PIERCE is passionate about helping entrepreneurs achieve success. Co-founder of Canada’s largest small business training company,, he’s launched eleven small businesses of his own and personally experienced what he calls “the good, the bad and the ugly” sides of entrepreneurship.

BizLaunch advises thousands of Canadian startups through its popular how-to seminars and webinars delivered with partners such as STAPLES.

By Adam

September 17, 2010