STAPLES BizTIPs 4business: Partnering has advantages
By Adam
March 05, 2010
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By Small Business Expert Roger Pierce, BizLaunch
The majority of new small businesses in Canada start as sole proprietorships, or a company of “one”. After all, the idea of truly flying solo is very alluring. However, consider the advantages of taking on a partner:
Like marriage, take time and care before entering a business partnership. Be sure your partner complements your skills, shares your vision and is someone you feel you can work with every day.
You can learn more about this and other how-to topics in a free STAPLES BizLaunch Webinar. To find one near you, please visit today.
ROGER PIERCE is passionate about helping entrepreneurs achieve success. Co-founder of Canada’s largest small business training company,, he’s launched eleven small businesses of his own and personally experienced what he calls “the good, the bad and the ugly” sides of entrepreneurship.
BizLaunch advises thousands of Canadian startups through its popular how-to seminars and webinars delivered with partners such as STAPLES.
The majority of new small businesses in Canada start as sole proprietorships, or a company of “one”. After all, the idea of truly flying solo is very alluring. However, consider the advantages of taking on a partner:
- You’ll have someone else to kick start you. Individual entrepreneurs or “solopreneurs” often lose some get-up-and-go because they work alone. A good business partner will offer support, encouragement and guidance to help propel you toward your goals.
- Two heads are better than one. Entrepreneurs working by themselves can make disastrous business decisions simply because they had no one else to consult. While you may not always agree, a partner will bring a refreshing perspective to business challenges and opportunities.
- Build your business faster. Two or more people working together should form a productive synergy, allowing you to take on more clients and projects to accelerate growth.
- Work for yourself, but not by yourself. It can be lonely running a one-person show. If you leave your job to start a business, you may be surprised at how much you miss simple day-to-day interaction with co-workers. As a partner, you’ll get to run your own business while enjoying all the benefits of a mission companion.
Like marriage, take time and care before entering a business partnership. Be sure your partner complements your skills, shares your vision and is someone you feel you can work with every day.
You can learn more about this and other how-to topics in a free STAPLES BizLaunch Webinar. To find one near you, please visit today.
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ROGER PIERCE is passionate about helping entrepreneurs achieve success. Co-founder of Canada’s largest small business training company,, he’s launched eleven small businesses of his own and personally experienced what he calls “the good, the bad and the ugly” sides of entrepreneurship.
BizLaunch advises thousands of Canadian startups through its popular how-to seminars and webinars delivered with partners such as STAPLES.