How to think of $$$ when your business is ZZZ

For many businesses, large and small, the holidays are a time to wind down, take stock and plan family and personal time. Some companies close down completely between Christmas and New Year’s Day and even if they don’t, employee productivity isn’t exactly at its peak.

The one big exception, of course, is retail. With many retailers operating at a loss much of the year, they count on end-of-year sales to break even or make a profit. So, if you have a store, waiting until after the holiday rush to take a break makes business sense.


Retailers rarely take a break over the Holidays

Whether or not you’re able to shut down over the holidays, one thing you should never take a rest from is marketing your business. Luckily, the holiday season offers many untapped opportunities for networking while having fun at the same time. Theresa Gould of RobnT Business Solutions offers some smart suggestions:
1. Never turn down an office party. Even if it’s not your thing, enjoy an evening out and be prepared to pass out lots of business cards.

2. Call your local Chamber of Commerce. Chambers plan events all year-round and during the holiday season. Even if you’re not a member, you may be allowed to attend – providing a perfect venue for making new contacts.

3. Network online. The Internet never shuts down, so if you have free time during the holidays, check out social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter and seek out businesses similar to your own that you might collaborate with.

4. Attend colleague events. Meeting new groups of people can yield unforeseen opportunities. Go out and have a blast.

5. Send out cards. As I’ve blogged previously, sending out Christmas or holiday cards to customers, colleagues and friends is an inexpensive way to make connections and can offer huge returns on your investment. Consider including a discount coupon or announcing your next sale. And don’t worry about whether or not it’s appropriate during the holidays – you’re in business, there’s no need to apologize for promoting yourself, is there?

What’s your business doing over the holidays?

By Adam

December 16, 2009